Project Description:
In order to mainstream persons with disabilities into the development process and enhance their access to rights, Songshoptaque undertook this intervention from July 2006 and successfully completed by June 2008. Before designing this project, a series of activities like dialogue to persons with disabilities, civil society, focus group discussion etc. were done. Among these, the most outstanding program was the human communication process `Have dialogue and listen to our voice’. This process found social and cultural intricacy as barrier to come up with mainstreamed development activities. Cultural interventions had been marked as way of breaking the silence towards persons with disabilities. Media been marked as powerful entry point for highlighting and disseminating information of hidden potentials, untold heart rendering stories of discrimination towards PWDs with an aim to influence policy makers.
In order to raise voice raising capacity of PWDs, they had been brought under a plat form named `Amra Alore Pathe (ALP)’- the self help organization of PWDs. Five ALPs set up (three in Chittagong Metropolitan Area and two in Anowara Upazilla) which become pinpoint for raising voice and claiming rights. Training on creative subjects like music, art, drama, mime, reporting, leadership, life skill development, income generation activities etc. arranged to bloom up their hidden potentials and also to disseminate information about `what, how, why rights violates, where to go, how to claim rights, how to become self helped etc’. In this regards, drama and cultural squad consisting of PWDs formed, performance made to jerk up societal hurdles and brain storm the policy makers &holders to create pro-disabled environment for living with dignity as human being. Dialogues, workshops and meetings arranged for addressing key issues of PWDs to reach policy makers. Publicaitons like quarterly newsletter, posters, leaflets and stickers produced and disseminated among concerned channels/authorities to create positive public attitude towards PWDs.
The important perspective of the project was ensuring accessibility of PWDs to infrastructures, to basic services like education, health, legal support etc from different duty bearers, GO & NGO institutions. PWDs, guardians, community people, media persons, civil society, duty bearers, GO & NGO institutions, support & service providers were closely involved in project implementation process.

Goal: The children, adolescents and young males and females with physical, mental, visual, hearing and speak disabilities are participating in the main stream of development process and having access to rights.

Purpose: Elimination of discriminatory social attitudes towards the persons with disabilities and ensure more access to basic services, media, information and legal support from different institutions of GO/NGOs.


  1. Develop capacity of person with disabilities through inclusion in social and cultural development for claiming their rights
  2. Bring positive attitude of the society towards children, adolescent and youth with disabilities


  1. Improved the quality of life of children, adolescents and youths with disability
  2. PWDs are able to explain & claim their constitutional rights and services
  3. Positive Social attitude towards the PWDs Established
  4. Children, adolescents and youths with disabilities identified categorically in accordance with their needs
  5. Self-Help groups of PWDs established
  6. Children, adolescents and youths with disabilities are capable to address their issues & have sufficient access to the services of GoB & NGOs institutions
  7. Children, adolescents & youths with disabilities are given priority in support & service providing agencies
  8. Media coverage increased (print and electronic media)
  9. Support for Assistive device of PWDs increased
  10. Stipend to the students with disabilities