Project Enquiries

Non Government Organization

Chittagong, Bangladesh
A Social, Cultural and Human development organization

Project Enquiries

Non Government Organization

Chittagong, Bangladesh

Project Duration: August 2014-July 2016
Funding organization: US State Department, D-Net

Project Goal:
To contribute to women’s health in our proposed area, empowering vulnerable, expectant mothers providing innovative health literacy information & social support, so that every parent can expect a healthy pregnancy, safe delivery & healthy, happy baby. Specific Goal of the project is to integrate the Babu Barta program in’ existing programs; aiming at promoting women’s’ decision making power &

empowerment on pregnancy issues to help women learn about their pregnancy, while learning important life skills so they can plan for themselves & their baby.

Project Purpose:
1: Capacity Enhancement of Staffs
2: Integration of Mothers Club curriculum Babu Barta in existing programs
3: Create a supportive environment for pregnant mothers.

To contribute to women’s health in our proposed area, empowering vulnerable, expectant mothers providing innovative health literacy information & social support, so that every parent can expect a healthy pregnancy, safe delivery & healthy, happy baby. Specific Goal of the project is to integrate the Babu Barta program in’ existing programs; aiming at promoting women’s’ decision making power& empowerment on pregnancy issues to help women learn about their pregnancy, while learning important life skills so they can plan for themselves & their baby.

Project Output:

Skill staffs to integrate program 2. Behavioral change leads to maximum utilization of MCH service 3. A supportive environment: Developed networking, coordination mechanism, responsive behavior of duty bearers and service providers.

Project working areas:
Banskhali Sub-District of Chittagong District, Deghi Nala Sub-District of Khagrachari District and Pekua Sub-District of Cox’s Bazar District in Bangladesh
Beneficiary/Stakeholder: 3375 Expatiating Mothers, 100% female, aged between 18 to 45 . Indirect: About 6535 (Counterpart of Direct Beneficiaries, community leaders, service providers and mass people from the community). The beneficiaries will be from hard to reach rural areas of coastal, semi-coastal and hilly zone of Bangladesh Other features of the target population includes: PWDs (15%), Indigenous minority (25%), Climate Change Refugee (20%), other marginalized and poor people (18). Participation of male will be ensured through involving their counter parts and community leaders as well as service provider’s representative in mother’s club activities. Significant males will also involve in drama show as spectators

Short description:
To improve MCH & Women’s health situation in Bangladesh, there are some GO/NGO initiatives like clinics & maternity at grassroots level, HPNSDP, HNPSP, & THNPP, private clinics & Surjer Hashi Clinic etc. Yet ANC & Birth by TBA services utilization is not optimum that urgently needs to be increased. As, BABU BARTA Program & Mothers Club curriculum has rightly address the existing gaps, it should be integrated in Bangladesh that encourages expectant mothers to receive services, engage family members & community to create a support service & playing active role in access to services. Its Integration in existing programs is an innovative cost effective approach that needs to be integrated in our opportunity of ongoing programs in proposed area. That is why this project is designed.

Major Achievements:
Improve MCH situation by reducing mortality rate of Children and mothers
